Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Learning About My Brain


Learning About My Brain
Have you heard your child use the terms/phrases "upstairs brain", "downstairs brain", or "flipping my lid" yet? As you may have heard at Curriculum Night, each grade level is beginning the year with a unit designed to teach students what is happening in their brain and give them a vocabulary for their emotional experiences that they and others can understand. Here is a brief article by Dr. Hazel Harrison that explains the upstairs and downstairs brain if you are interested, and here is a video that explains what is meant by "flipping your lid". The students are also learning several strategies to help keep them calm and stay in their upstairs (learning ready) brain versus their downstairs (survival) brain. Ask your child to tell you more!

Ben demonstrates what it looks like to "flip his lid"
Ben demonstrates "Flipping his lid"!

School Pictures
Tuesday, October 6th is picture day. You will be receiving an order form today, however you can also order ahead of time online at mylifetouch.com. Our picture day ID is EVTHXS9NV. Remote students are being mailed their order form. Remote student pictures will also be taken on October 6th as follows: last names A-D, 3:00; last names E-M, 3:15; last names N-R, 3:30; last names S-Z, 3:45. We are asking remote families to park at the back, right side of the school (beginning at 3:00), and enter the back door. Speaking of pictures, our yearbooks have shipped!! We will get them out as soon as we get them. Remote students should plan to pick them up on 10/6 when they come for pictures.
Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
If you need to pick up your child early, or if they are being brought in late, please make sure you send in a note (for early dismissal) and please come in to the building to sign them in/out. All early dismissals must occur by 2:00 p.m. All students who come in after the buses have unloaded should enter the main door, even if they typically enter a different door. 

Arrival and Dismissal
I wanted to thank you again for following all of the protocols for arrival and dismissal. As a reminder, please try to pull up as far as possible, even if you see your child (at dismissal), and for safety's sake, please try to have your child enter and exit curbside if at all possible. You might want to consider moving your child's car seat to the passenger side if possible. The buses will be getting to East Hill roughly 10 minutes later in the afternoon than they did previously so you may want to arrive about 10 minutes later. Thank you for your understanding (and for not "flipping your lid" like I did when I learned about it!). 

Positivity Project
Our first character strength this year that we are exploring is curiosity. Curiosity means you like exploration and discovery. You ask a lot of questions because you want to learn more about anything and everything. For more about curiosity, click here

Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunches must be pre-ordered on the Nutrislice system. You can access a description of the app and how to use it by clicking here. 

Enjoy the rest of the week!

- Lisa