Tuesday, September 29, 2020

East Hill Happenings


If your child is coming in to school late (after the buses have arrived), you MUST walk them into the building and sign them in. Please do not just drop off your child and leave. All doors, including the  front doors, are locked and many of our students do not know how to ring the bell for admittance. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

The Yearbooks Are In! The Yearbooks Are In!
Thank you to Mr. Smith for all of his work on the awesome 19-20 yearbook! He, along with his committee, did a great job capturing the year. All yearbooks were sent home last week with the exception of remote students, who will be able to pick up their yearbook when they come for school pictures.
School Pictures
As a reminder, next Tuesday is school picture day at East Hill. Order forms have been sent home, and you can also order online at mylifetouch.com. Our picture day ID is EVTHXS9NV.  Remote student pictures will also be taken as follows: A-D, 3:00; E-M, 3:15; N-4, 3:30; S-Z, 3:45. Please remember to park at the back, right side of the building.
Screening Slips
As a reminder, please make sure your child comes with their complete, purple, screening slip on a daily basis. Thank you!

Update from the WG Nurses
Please take a minute to read this note from the WG nurses if you have not already done so. The note outlines the protocol that the school must follow when students show signs and symptoms of illness. Just as an FYI - you should not eat, drink, or brush your teeth 30 minutes prior to the test. (This is not noted in the nurses update, but has been the experience of many people who have been tested so I thought I would pass it on!)

The first PTA meeting of the year will be held via Zoom on 10/13 at 6:30 p.m. You will be receiving more information about this soon.
This week we are focusing on the character strength of teamwork/citizenship. Teamwork is the ability and willingness to place overall group success as a higher priority than individual achievement. Citizenship is a willingness to work towards the common good as opposed to one's own self-interest. For more about this strength, click here!
Teacher Workshop Day
Friday, 10/16 will be a half-day for students. Bus dismissal will be at 11:00 with parent pickup from 11:15 - 11:30. 

Have a great rest of the week!

- Lisa