Wednesday, September 16, 2020

International Dot Day!

International Dot Day
Yesterday was International Dot Day. Many students wore their dots and several read the book, "The Dot", by Peter Reynolds and completed follow-up activities. The teachers and staff even got in on the action!

Consider Joining the PTA!
Please consider joining the East Hill PTA. Being a PTA member will help support East Hill and benefit your child. As a member you can get connected to know what's happening at school; tap into a network to meet other parents and teachers to share ideas, concerns, and experiences; and get involved! Meetings are virtual at this point (not required, but informative). Anyone can join! Membership is $6.00 per individual. Click here to join online! Thank you SO MUCH to the PTA for the lanyards and hooks that they provided for students' masks. Very much appreciated!

Curriculum Night
Tomorrow night (Thursday, 9/17) is Virtual Curriculum Night. You should have received a Zoom link from your teacher. Kindergarten and 1st grade present from 6:00 - 6:25; 2nd and 3rd grade present from 6:30 - 6:55, and 4th grade is from 7:00 - 7:25. This is a time for your to meet your child's teacher(s) and learn about the program your child will experience this year. If you did not get the Zoom link, please contact your child's teacher.

New Faces at East Hill
Thank you to Mrs. Rose for displaying all of the new faces, masked and unmasked, at East Hill! We are fortunate to have so many bus drivers available to help supervise lunch in the classroom and do general cleaning in the building throughout the day!
Thanks again to everyone for making arrival and dismissal run safe, smooth, and efficient! Enjoy the rest of the week!

- Lisa