Monday, February 1, 2021



This week's character strength focus is integrity. Integrity means you are honest and speak the truth. You present yourself genuinely and sincerely. Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. For more about the character strength of integrity, click here

Supporting Others When They Struggle
Last week we focused on the other people matter mindset: supporting others when they struggle. Mrs. Ciciarelli's remote kindergarten class watched a video about Fred Rodgers and discussed his quote, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." They all made cards for St. Joe's COVID unit. Thank you Mrs. Ciciarelli! 

BOE Listening Session
The WGCSD Board of Education invites parents, staff, community members and students to a Community Listening Session on Wednesday, February 3rd from 6:00 - 7:00. The guiding question for this is: "What are your hopes and dreams for WGCSD?" Please consider joining this session and offering your thoughts.
If you'd like to attend the event in person you need to register in advance. It will also be livestreamed so anyone can watch from the website. Click here to read an invitation and RSVP to the BOE Listening Session. 

Mark Your Calendars!
February 3: Workshop Day, 11:15 Bus Dismissal; Listening Session
February 5: Valentines are due; Coloring Contest Deadline
February 8: PTA Meeting via Zoom, 6:30
February 10: Chipotle Night, 4:00 - 8:00
February 12: Valentines Parties
February 15 - 19: No School, Winter Break

Have a great week!
- Lisa