Monday, February 22, 2021

East Hill Update

Winter Break
I hope you enjoyed the winter break! I was able to catch up on my reading, do some small projects (like cleaning drawers - exciting stuff!), and tried snowshoeing for the first time. Wow! It's a lot harder than it looks!
Cheering on the Success of Others
This week we are focusing on the Other People Mindset of Cheer on Others' Success. This means that when other people succeed, you are happy for them and cheer them on. According to the Positivity Project, being happy for other people when they succeed isn't always everyone's initial reaction. Often, it's easy to become jealous or envious of others' victories. It's important to note that these are natural emotions and in small doses can be helpful in allowing us to see what we care about - and motivate us to pursue those goals. 

And The People Stayed Home
The East Hill staff recently read the book, "And The People Stayed Home" written by Kitty O'Meara.  The book, according to the Washington Post, is a gentle and hopeful look back on life in quarantine. It portrays lockdown as a patient, introspective time when people read and danced and "listened more deeply." We created our own version of the book titled,  "And the East Hill Staff Stayed Home." Here is a link to the book!
Board of Education Hosts Listening Session (Rescheduled)
The West Genesee Central School District Board of Education (BOE) invites parents, staff, community members, and students to a rescheduled Community Listening Session to be held in the West Genesee High School Library on Wednesday, March 3, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. (prior to the BOE meeting that will start at 7:00 p.m.) The guiding question for this is: "What are your hopes and dreams for WGCSD?" Please consider joining this session and offering your thoughts. Those who would like to come to the library and participate will need to pre-register by filling out the RSVP from the invitation here. It will also be livestreamed so anyone can watch from the link on the website or by clicking here

Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year opened virtually on December 1, 2020 and will remain open until March 31, 2021. Parents and guardians may utilizthe Virtual Registration process to get started and schedule your telemeeting. If you have any questions, please call the Central Registration office at (315) 487-4683.

Have a great rest of the week!

- Lisa