Monday, February 24, 2014

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone was able to enjoy some time off with their family over the winter break. Hopefully the kids got a chance to spend some time outside.

Prior to the break Scotty Fura, a 5th grader from Stonehedge Elementary, visited our second graders. He explained to them how, with only one arm, he has been able to do most things we do, just in his own way. He read Scotty's Way to us, which was written by his mother, Jennifer Fura. Scotty raced 4 students to see who could do 10 one-armed push-ups the fastest. His message to the 2nd graders was to never give up; you can do anything if you persevere.
Scotty reading Scotty's Way
Challenging students to one-armed push-ups
We now have almost 50 projects that are slated to be entered into East Hill’s 4th Annual Science Fair. There is still time if your child/children are interested! Just have them stop in the office for a packet of information.

The January/February edition of the Junior Wildcat Times has been published. Click here to read it.

The math words of the week are regroup (M), variable (T), least common multiple (W), least common denominator (Th), and graph (F).

Have a good week!

-          Lisa