Saturday, February 1, 2014

Enrichment Day a Hit!

The PTA’s annual enrichment day was a hit once again this year. The success of the program can be attributed to all of the people who volunteered their time sharing a craft, or a hobby, and coordinating the program. Thank you to Mrs. Irving, Ms. Plantz, Mrs. Grooms, and countless others for all of your efforts. As you can see by the pictures, the students had a great time!
Sir Isaac Newton and Car Building
Fun Loom and Para Cord Bracelets 
No Sew Blankets
Let's Paint!
Ready, Set, Grow!
Art of Chemistry
Art, Try It You Might Like It!
Small Project Woodworking

Circuit Training and Hula Hooping

Kids in the Kitchen

Making Fun and Healthy Snacks

Tie Dye
Last week our 5th grade students and teachers taught the school about the January character trait of perseverance. They did this through a combination of playing games, sharing quotes, signing, and telling stories. Thank you to the fifth grade team!

Congratulations to Abigail Ray, a student in Miss Button's 5th grade class, who did a wonderful job representing our school and our district in this year's Post-Standard/WCNY Spelling Bee. Abigail first made it into the top 12 at the district spelling bee, then was one of the top 35 spellers in the written spelling bee. This weekend she participated in the Post-Standard/WCNY Spelling Bee and made it to the 5th round. Way to go Abby! We are proud of you!
Abigail Ray and Miss Button
Our math words for the week are: inch (M), foot (T), yard(W), centimeter(Th), and meter(F).

The February PTA meeting will be held tonight in the East Hill Library at 6:30. The deadline for ordering a yearbook has been extended to this Friday, February 7th. Please remember that February break takes place the week of February 17th. Have a great week!

- Lisa