Tuesday, February 26, 2019

It's Going to be a Great Week!

Enthusiasm/Zest is this week's character strength focus. Individuals with this strength might be described as energetic, excited, spirited, animated, passionate, and upbeat. For more information on zest/enthusiasm, click here!

Speaking of character strengths, integrity was a focus earlier in the year and, like all of the other strengths, is visited regularly throughout the year. Integrity means you are honest and speak the truth. You present yourself genuinely and sincerely. Do you have concerns with your child not being honest? The book, "Lying Up a Storm: Advice for Parents and Educators" by Julia Cook takes an interesting perspective on lying and offers suggestions for parents and educators. If you are interested, click here for an excerpt from the book.

Student Council
Each year our student council does a community service project to benefit a local organization. This year they are holding a paper towel drive for the Francis House. This fundraiser will run the first two weeks in March. They are also accepting donations. Student Council members have created flyers, slide shows, and posters for this event. They will also make daily announcements. Look for a flyer coming home later this week about this project.

There has been a date change for Bingo since the printing of the handbook. Family Bingo Night will now be held on Friday March 29th from 6-8pm in the East Hill gym. Come early to get your seats and participate in the raffle. Bingo is free to play. Pizza, desserts and raffle tickets are $1 each.  The PTA has amazing things to raffle off this year!

Valentine's Parties
Thanks to all of the parents who helped make our parties so much fun for our students!

Upcoming Dates
3/1     5th Grade Photo Yearbook Re-Take
3/2     Culture Fair, West Genesee High School, 12:00
3/11   PTA Meeting, East Hill Library, 6:30
3/19   Education Fair, East Hill Gym, 6:30 - 7:30
3/28   3rd Grade Concert, East Hill Gym, 7:00
3/29   BINGO, East Hill Gym, 6:30 (Doors open at 6:00)

Enjoy the rest of the week!
- Lisa