Monday, February 5, 2018

Enrichment Day Another Success!

A huge thank you to Enrichment Day co-coordinators Becky Tully and Carrie Grooms for coordinating and pulling off another highly successful Enrichment Day at East Hill. Also, a big thank you to all of the adults and older students who volunteered their time and talents on Saturday. Over 200 students took part in classes on Saturday morning ranging from hip-hop, karate, and cheerleading, to engineering, wall art, and woodworking. A great time was had by all!

We will be focusing on the character strength of fairness this week. Our learning target is I can treat all people the same and give everyone a fair chance. To learn more about this strength from the Positivity Project, click here. Also, look for a family activity coming home today that involves the character strength of fairnesss.
Our Education Fair is coming up! Students received an application last week. Students can either do a reading project (fiction or nonfiction), or a science experiment. If students choose to do the science experiment, they must test something using the scientific method. Many students want to create models. If they insist on creating a model (volcano, solar system, crystals, etc.), they should instead do a nonfiction reading project where they read about that topic. That way they can make a model that doesn’t actually test something. Once applications are approved, they receive a packet that gives them more information about the project. Display boards will be available for students once they complete the packet. It is my absolute favorite event of the year. Students love to showcase what they have learned. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Here are a couple photos from previous years:

Valentine’s parties will be held next Wednesday at 2:15. If your child is in a nut-free classroom, please remember that all food items must be store-bought and contain a label. Additionally, if your child is in those classrooms, please make sure their valentine’s do not include any type of food attached to them. Only those parents who have been contacted by the room parent will be allowed in the classrooms. I appreciate your cooperation in these matters of safety.

Once again this winter break East Hill artwork will be on display at Provisions Bakery in Armory Square. Artwork from kindergarten students through fifth grade students will be hung at the bakery until Tuesday, 3/2. The bakery is located at 216 Walton Street and is open from 7:30 - 3:00, Monday through Friday.

Lastly, we would appreciate you continuing to vote daily for East Hill’s chance at winning $25,000 in state of the art fitness equipment. Voting is live through February 15. Here's the link! Thanks for your support!

- Lisa