Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Tis the Season

The Season for Caring and Compassion
Yesterday afternoon our third graders taught the school about what it means to be compassionate and caring. They created posters and explained different ways we can show caring and compassion at home, at school, and in the community.

When our third graders were done with their presentation, fifth grade students from Troop #293 spoke to the school about recycling in the cafeteria, which will begin today. They talked about the 3 Rs, why it is important to recycle, and what and how to recycle in our new cafeteria. Recycling is one way we show caring toward our environment.

The Holiday Jitters
I recently read the following in a column that I passed along to my staff from Responsive Classroom titled, “Keep Learning Going During Holiday and Vacation Times.”

In the weeks leading up to winter vacation, what you’re seeing may well be a case of the holiday season jitters. From November through January, children often become more fidgety, giggly, testy, and tired. There are many reasons: they may be distracted by the excitement of home activities, or they may be reacting to increased stress at home. At school, schedules are often disrupted at this time of year by assemblies, plays, and special events, and such changes in routine can throw children’s behavior off. Plus, at many schools, recess is curtailed once winter weather arrives.

What can you do to help your students stay on track and learn at their best during this season? We’ve found that an extra measure of calmness, consistency, and structure can work wonders.

Suggested strategies from the column that might apply to home as well as school include: sticking to routines, noticing and reinforcing success, keeping expectations high but appropriate, reading aloud to your children and keeping the learning going. I would also add keeping up the communication, as I recently read in a blog from Lori Keevil, principal of Stonehedge Elementary:

The season brings out the best in many, but we recognize the struggle many children (as well as adults) feel at this time of year. During this stressful and busy month, let’s all make the time to have conversations with our children about what’s really important.

Community Giving
Thanks again to everyone who was able to take a tag off of the PTA’s annual giving tree. With your generosity, and the support of Todd’s Fund, we will be able to make the holidays a much more enjoyable time for seven of our local East Hill families.

Words of the Day
Next week’s words of the day are legend (M, 1st), convenient (T, 2nd), aqueduct (W, 3rd), alliteration (Th, 4th), and visualization (F, 5th).

Enjoy the rest of the week!

- Lisa