Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reading is Magic!

It’s been a magical week at East Hill. Students are really enjoying our two-week PARP/Reading Celebration. Each classroom has been treated to a variety of guest readers. Thank you to all of the readers who have come in thus far and to the PTA for coordinating it!

Mrs. Benenati reads to students in Mrs. Wangsness' room.
Last Wednesday was Pajama Day which was a big hit for the students, no matter their age! This coming Friday is School Spirit Day so students should wear their blue and gold. Also this week is the Scholastic Book Fair which takes place Tuesday through Thursday, with a Family Night scheduled for Wednesday from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Ella and Elle showing off their PJs!

5th Graders from Mr. Meaney's class happy to show off their pajamas as well!
Also during the two-week celebration we have DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time daily. No matter where the students are in the building, when they hear “Oh, Oh, Oh it’s Magic” over the PA (the Selena Gomez version, not the ELO version that most of us are more familiar with), they drop what they are doing and read. 
Cameron seems right at home with his book.

Samantha and Sean, second graders in Mrs. Thome's class, enjoying their books.
Teachers and students are looking forward to “Teacher Switch and Read” day which takes place tomorrow. Our two-week celebration will conclude this Friday with an assembly led by a special guest. Students will then return to their room for their “PARP”sicles before heading home at 11:30.

Our CODE assemblies began last Thursday at East Hill. CODE stands for Community Oriented Drug Education. Officer Diane Brand presents grade-appropriate topics to each of the different grade levels for about 20-30 minutes. These presentations include topics such as personal safety, bullying prevention, and drug awareness, just to name a few. She helps us reinforce our school rules which are 1) We will not bully others; 2) We will try to help students who are bullied; 3) We will try to include students who are left out; and 4) If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.
Officer Brand presenting to our 5th graders.
The high school’s R² committee is putting on a Halloween Carnival on Thursday, October 30th from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the high school. It sounds like a lot of fun. A flyer for the event is attached.

Next Friday, October 31st, our Halloween Parade will begin at 2:00 with parties immediately following. In planning ahead for your child’s costume, please make sure they choose something appropriate as we don’t want to scare our younger students. No costumes with any sort of weapons will be allowed. Only those parents who have signed up and have been contacted to help in the rooms during the parties will be allowed down the hallways and in the classrooms. If you will be helping out in the classrooms it will be necessary to leave younger siblings at home and sign in at the office. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Lastly, our new dismissal procedure seems to be going well. We will probably make a few more changes before we get it to where we want it to be, but we appreciate your help. Please make sure we either have a note on file in the office if you are picking up your child, or send one in on the morning you plan to pick up your child.

Have a good rest of the week!

- Lisa