Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten Orientation took place this morning. Thanks again to the PTA for organizing this annual event. The students appreciate the goodie bags and activities that are planned for them. Students met their kindergarten teacher, completed activities in the gym run by PTA members and older students, and then took a ride on the school bus.
New Staff
We will be welcoming seven new staff members to East Hill: Tara Powless will be joining us as our new psychologist. Mary Kay DeVore will be returning as an early literacy teaching assistant working in both kindergarten and second grade. Jessica Hubbard is coming on board as a special education teaching assistant working in second grade. Colleen Shewchuk is our new second grade teacher, taking over for Ginny Wolbert who retired in June. Katie Bernius will be our new music teacher, filling in for Leah Causer during her maternity leave. Jennifer Wademan will be joining us as a lunch aide this year, and MegCarolyn Remesz, our new District math coach, will be housed here at East Hill. We are excited to have all of these fresh new faces as part of our East Hill family!
The Positivity Project
You should have received an informational letter about the Positivity Project in your summer mailing. The PTA has offered to purchase Positivity Project T-Shirts for all of the students that will be kept at school and worn during assemblies.
Staying Informed
Mark Your Calendars!
Please note the following important dates in September:
1st Day of School (This is a full day): Wednesday, 9/6
Ice Cream Social: Thursday, 9/7, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
K-1 Curriculum Night (for parents and guardians): Tuesday, 9/12, 6:00 - 6:25
2-3 Curriculum Night (for parents and guardians): Tuesday, 9/12, 6:30 - 6:55
4-5 Curriculum Night (for parents and guardians): Tuesday, 9/12, 7:00 - 7:25
PTA Meeting: Tuesday, 9/19, 6:30 - 7:30, East Hill Library
Jogathon: Friday, 9/29 (schedule TBD)
The school day runs from 9:00 - 3:20. Please do not drop your child off before 9:00 as there is not adequate supervision. If your child arrives late to school, please walk your child into the building to sign in with the nurse. If you are picking your child up at the end of the day, the building will be unlocked at 3:10. During Curriculum Night I will be giving 20 minute presentations on our new grading and reporting system at 6:05, 6:35, and 7:05. Please try to attend one of the sessions. The presentations are identical so you only need to attend one. The PTA's annual Ice Cream Social is always a great way to start the year - I hope to see you there!
- Lisa