Last Thursday was the final Battle of the Books for our 5th graders. Thank you to Mrs. Barrett for all of the hard work she put into organizing this great event. A team from Mrs. Galaska’s class won, but it was a very close and exciting competition. Last Friday was our final character education assembly for the year. Mrs. Butkowski’s PM class and Mrs. Devereaux’s 1st grade class taught the school about cooperation. Our teachers then demonstrated each of the character education traits while playing basketball. It was fun (and educational) for all!
Last Saturday many of our 5th graders participated in a mini triathlon at the high school. It was so much fun watching the students swim, bike, and run with the assistance of their personal coach, often an older sibling. Thanks to the physical education teachers at Split Rock, Onondaga Road, and East Hill for organizing this worthwhile yearly event.
Due to tomorrow’s predicted rain, Field Days will now take place on Monday, June 17th. A bright pink flyer will be coming home with your child today; please look for it in the backpack.
I hope you can make it to our Flag Day Parade this Friday at 1:00. The middle school band will be here to play patriotic songs along with our 5th grade band. I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
- Lisa