Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Happy October!

Say Cheese!
Today is school picture day. Please make sure your child brings in their order form if you did not order online. The make-up day is scheduled for Friday, 11/20. Remote student pictures begin at 3:00 p.m.; it's best to not arrive early. Thank you.

Walk For Peace
The Central New York Social Justice League will be holding a Walk for Peace on Saturday, October 17th from 12:30 - 3:30. All persons interested in promoting and learning about how to advocate for social justice and building peace in our communities are welcome to attend.
Physical Education
PE looks very different this year. As we do not have use of the gym, Ms. O'Keefe and Ms. Clarke plan to take students out as much as possible. Therefore, please make sure your child dresses for the weather on PE days. At times, students are taken on scavenger hunts and nature walks near the school and in the surrounding neighborhood. If you prefer your child not leave school grounds during PE, please let me know and we will make other accommodations for your child on those days. Thank you!

PTA Appreciation
A huge thank you goes out to the East Hill PTA for all they have done for our staff this year. On Friday they put out signs of appreciation and treated the staff to quite a breakfast! They also had students color pictures for National Custodian Day which also took place last Friday. The appreciation shown to our staff by the PTA is very much appreciated!!

PTA Meeting
Speaking of the PTA, the PTA will be holding their first meeting on Tuesday, 10/13, at 6:30 via Zoom. Please consider attending. RSVP to wgehpta@westgenesee.org

Calming Stations
In a previous blog I mentioned that students at each grade level are learning about how their brains work. They have learned a variety of different ways to calm themselves. Pictured below are some of the calming tools that Mrs. Rose, our school counselor, worked with the students to create during calming stations. Students created calming jars, drew pictures of their happy places, and practiced flower breathing.

This week we are learning about the character strength of open-mindedness, which is the willingness to actively search for evidence that goes against one's favored beliefs, plans or goals. Open-minded individuals are able to weigh all evidence fairly, when it is available. For more about open-mindedness, click here

Teacher Workshop Day
This is just a reminder that Friday, 10/16 will be a half-day due to a teacher workshop day. Buses will begin dismissing at 11:00 with parent pickup beginning at 11:15. 

Fall Frenzy
We will be holding a "Fall Frenzy" spirit week the week of October 26th rather than having Halloween parties on October 30th. Students will not be wearing costumes or parading, but we will have fall-themed activities for them to do. Stay tuned for more information!
Notes from the WGCSD Nurses
If you didn't happen to see the notes from the nurses that were sent out yesterday, here they are. You will find a link to the COVID-19 Toolkit recently put out by the NYS Department of Health. Included are details for what to do when your child is showing symptoms of COVID-19 and what is needed for your child to return to school. 

Have a great rest of the week!

- Lisa