Tuesday, October 20, 2020

East Hill Weekly Update

School Photos
As many of you are aware, school pictures came in yesterday. There were several errors in the photos, especially on the class photo pages. We are working with Lifetouch to have them reprinted. Remote students can pick up their pictures when they come for their pumpkins (see PTA information below).
Unity Day
Unity Day is tomorrow, Wednesday, October 21st. Make it ORANGE!! Here's a brief note from the WG Counselors: If you care about safe and supportive schools and communities, make your color ORANGE on Unity Day. On this day everyone can come together - in schools, communities, and online - and send one large ORANGE message of support, hope, and unity to show that we are united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Food Sense Program
The Food Bank of CNY offers monthly boxes of food for families. Families can pre-order and use cash or EBT. The pickup spot is the Senior Center in Camillus. To schedule an appointment for pickup, call 315-672-5820. 
Fall Frenzy
Next week is East Hill's Fall Frenzy. Show your fall spirit next week as follows:
Monday - Wear your Blue and Gold
Tuesday - Pajama Day
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday
Thursday - Sports Day
Friday - Wear your Orange and Black
Thank you to the PTA for purchasing pie pumpkins for every East Hill student to decorate next week. Remote students can pick up their pumpkin between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 10/28 or Thursday, 10/29. Don't forget that the Virtual Book Fair runs through this Thursday, 10/22 (here is the link), and Spirit Wear is on sale now through 10/30 (here is the link). Also, keep an eye out for emails from the WG District Council for recordings of stories during PARP from guest readers! Here was last night's in case you missed it. 

I Forgive You!
Forgiveness is the character strength focus for this week. Forgiveness is the ability to move past being injured, and allow yourself to reconcile with the person who hurt you. Forgiveness can often be seen as a selfless act, but it also carries many benefits for those who practice it. Admittedly, it is not one of my top strengths but I am working on it! For more information on forgiveness, click here

Remote Student Supply Pickup
Kindergarten students can pick up their next unit materials at East Hill next Thursday, October 29th, from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Please contact the office if that time does not work for you (315-487-4648). Second, Third, and Fourth grade students can pick up the materials and books for the next units between 12:00 and 3:00 on Monday, November 23rd. First grade students will be hearing about a supply pickup from your teachers soon.

Periodically, our teachers may send your child home with their Chromebook and chargers to complete an assignment. Please help us by making sure they take care of the Chromebook, do the assignment, and return it to school the next day with the charger. Thank you!

Enjoy the rest of the week!

- Lisa