Wednesday, October 14, 2020

East Hill Mid-October Update

Scholastic Virtual Book Fair
The PTA's annual book fair will be virtual this year. You should have received information last week about ordering. Here is the link. The Fair will run through 10/22. Thank you for your support! The Book Fair coincides with PARP (Pick a Reading Partner) which takes place over the next two weeks. Look for the electronics blackout calendar that will be coming home at the end of the week.

Walk for Peace
The Central New York Social Justice League will be holding a Walk for Peace on Saturday, October 17th from 12:30 - 3:30. All persons interested in promoting and learning about how to advocate for social justice and building peace in our communities are welcome to attend. The location has changed to the Camillus Municipal Building. For more information, and to register for the event, click here!
Questions About Remote Learning
I have had a few parents ask if their child can switch to remote learning when they are out sick or when they return from a state that requires quarantining upon return. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Our remote teachers have a full class of students and are likely not on the same exact pacing as the child's in-school teacher. Some requests for work during a child's absence can be accommodated, however providing the missed assignments does not replace the instruction and experiences that occur during the absence. Each child is unique, so the teacher will know which lessons and activities need to be made up upon the student's return. Also, please note that if a family knowingly goes to a state that is on "the list", the child's absences upon return will be considered unexcused. Thank you for your understanding, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Spirit Wear
The PTA's Spirit Wear sale began yesterday and will run through October 30th. Here is the link to order online!

Teacher Workshop Day
As a reminder, this Friday, October 16th, is a half-day. Buses will be dismissed at 11:00 with parent pickup to follow.

Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival and dismissal continue to run very smoothly! Thank you to everyone for following the rules. Just a couple of reminders:
  • Pull all of the way up
  • Make sure you don't pull in front of others when pulling away from the curb, and
  • Please drive slowly down Parsons and Blackmore as we have a lot of walkers
Thank you for your continued cooperation! Here are a few pictures I saw in the hallway this morning.

Enjoy the rest of the week!
- Lisa