Monday, June 15, 2020

East Hill's 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony

5th Grade Recognition Ceremony Slideshow
A huge thank you goes out to Jennifer MacArthur for putting together this amazing slideshow recognizing this year's 5th graders. Please make sure you take the time to check it out. It's awesome!
5th Grade Recognition Drive-Thru Ceremony
What beautiful weather we had this morning for our Drive-Thru Ceremony! Thank you to the PTA for the t-shirts, treats, and the decorations! East Hill looked great! Thank you to Mrs. Mercer and Mrs. McConnell for welcoming the students with music, thank you to the West Genesee Wildcat for the surprise visit, and thank you to all of the staff members that came out to wish our students well! Here are just a few pictures from the morning.

Don't forget to return your borrowed Chromebook this week. Have a great summer. I will be in touch!

- Lisa