Tuesday, December 2, 2014

'Tis the Season!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with their family and friends. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, hosting 16 people and 6 dogs! It was a lot of fun. Shown below is a picture and explanation of how one of our kindergarteners would cook a Thanksgiving turkey.
The text reads: First, go hunting and get a turkey. Then, cut up the turkey and put barbecue sauce on it. Then, put it in the oven on high speed for a couple of minutes. Finally, take out and put on a dish, put pepper on the turkey. Eat with a fork, knife, and spoon. Happy Thanksgiving!
One of East Hill’s 1st grade Girl Scout Troops donated a whole Thanksgiving meal to one of our families. This was a great project for them, and very much appreciated by the family. They each brought in an item or two to donate and helped to decorate the box in which all of the supplies were delivered.
The Salvation Army barrels are near capacity. They will still be out in our lobby for another week or so. Thank you to everyone who has donated to this cause so far. Items on the food drive wish list include canned beans, canned fruit, canned meat, canned vegetables, canned soup, jelly, milk (dry or canned), and tuna fish.

The PTA put up their annual Giving Tree in the lobby. Information was sent home yesterday with your child. The tree is decorated with gift tags for the families that the PTA is adopting this year. I am always amazed at the generosity shown by our East Hill community to those that may be more in need at this time of the year.
Please mark your calendars: Our kindergarteners are headed to see the Nutcracker this Friday. Next week our first graders will be visiting Hospital Land. Our 4th and 5th grade concert will be held on Monday, December 15th at 7:00 at the high school. Holiday parties will be held on Thursday, December 18th at 2:15. There is no PTA meeting this month. The two-week holiday break begins on Monday, December 22nd.  Let the festivities begin!

Enjoy the week!

- Lisa