Friday, August 28, 2020

Class Placement and Dismissal


Class Placement
As I write this, Mrs. Farley is busy stuffing our summer mailing envelopes. These envelopes, which will go out in the mail at the end of the day, are filled with a lot of important information. In this mailing you will find the following:
  • A placement letter which indicates the teacher to whom your child is assigned (or teaching team if they are with a team of 2 or 3 staff members as outlined in my last blog) and the door they are to use when entering and exiting the building;
  • Information about transportation, including how to access your child's routing information on the Traversa Ride 360 mobile app;
  • Information regarding the School Building Meal Plan;
  • Information regarding the School Meal Program, including an application for free and reduced meals;
  • Annual Student Information Verification Forms (Emergency Forms);
  • Important information about Arrival, Health Screening, and Dismissal; and
  • An informational flyer from the PTA.
Because of the large number of families picking up students this year, we are using a car tag system as was explained in my previous blog as well as the Arrival and Dismissal Procedures document coming home in the summer packet (sample below).
Families that indicated that they would be picking up their children on the district survey will be mailed a car tag at the end of next week. You will get two car tags and enough corresponding backpack tags for your child(ren). We ask that you securely fasten the tag to your child's backpack. IF you did not indicate that you will be picking up your child, but your plans have changed and you now plan to do so, please either call the office (315-487-4648) or email me ( to let me know. If you plan to pick up your child more than a couple of times a month, please contact us and we will also issue you a tag. If you plan to carpool, we must have a note indicating with whom your child is allowed to ride home. If your child plans to ride a bike to/from school or walk home, we also must have a note granting your child permission to do so. If you have any questions about any of this, after you have completely read this document, please give me a call or shoot me an email and I will gladly try to answer your questions! 

Remote Students
Remote students will also receive a packet with information about their placement, the meal plan, and the PTA. We are asking that all remote students come to school on Wednesday, September 9th between 12:00 and 3:00 to pick up their Chromebooks and instructional materials. Please call the office if you are unable to come at this time. 

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend. I look forward to seeing your children in less than two weeks!

- Lisa