Friday, April 3, 2020

Spring Break

Spring Break
As you are hopefully aware by now, Governor Cuomo issued a new Executive Order which states that school districts must continue plans for alternative instructional options (as well as distribution of food) and "continue to first use any vacation or snow days remaining". What this means for all of us is that we will no longer have Spring Break which was scheduled for next week. We will continue to provide remote instruction for all of our students.

I'm sure this news will bring mixed emotions for many of you; some families will likely be happy that an instructional plan will be provided for their children to keep them productive and engaged while others were likely looking forward to the break. It looks like we will all just need to continue to be flexible during these uncertain times!

Beginning next week your child will be directed to visit their teacher's Google Classroom for literacy and math activities; all other activities will be linked to the document on the portal. If you have any questions please contact your teacher directly, email me (, or call the office and leave a voicemail that will be automatically forwarded to me (315-487-4648).
Virtual Morning Mile
The monthly morning mile is still on - virtually! Anyone is welcome to join in on Tuesday morning at 8:30. You can walk, run, bike, skip, hop, etc. Any movement for one mile will work!
Staying Productive at Home
Several staff members put together this video to update the students as to what they have been doing to keep busy while school is no longer in session. It's a bit lengthy (15 minutes)! Sorry!

I have enjoyed seeing pictures of students and families staying busy with art projects, exercise, and adventures at home. Here are just a few from the past couple weeks that I found on Facebook.

Sleep Schedules
I just read this article titled, "School may be suspended, but sleep schedules shouldn't be" by Wendy Troxel. It's a good, short read and a good reminder for me to get my children in bed and away from their electronics at an appropriate hour!

Enjoy the weekend! Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, concerns, or, even better, good news to share! Keep your distance and wash your hands! (Aren't you tired of hearing that advice?)

- Lisa