Thursday, March 19, 2020

Online Learning Now Available!

Online Learning Available!
The West Genesee Elementary Online Learning Portal is now open! You can access it via this link, or you can find it under the "Connect" section located on the bottom left of the West Genesee homepage ( To help ease the transition to online learning, all activities assigned are review or practice activities for the next two weeks. Each week the site will be updated, however you will still be able to access the previous weeks if necessary. If we need to continue with online instruction after the break, new learning will take place, some of which will be provided via this portal and some of which will be assigned via Google Classroom by your child's teachers. If you have any trouble accessing the portal, either contact your child's teacher, email me (, or call the main office (315-487-4648) and leave a message. 

As I indicated in my blog earlier this week, it is our intent with remote learning to minimize potential instructional slide. We do not want to add any pressure to families during this stressful time, rather we want to help families by providing activities that will keep students productive and engaged.

As you can see by the pictures below, some of our WG staff members were eager to start learning at home with their children!

Some staff members also posted pictures of their children utilizing their P2 character strengths on Facebook (used with permission).
The Greco Family showing Curiosity
The Devereauxs showing Appreciation of Beauty

The Kupiecs demonstrate Love of Learning
Speaking of P2 characteristics, next week's character strength focus is Fairness. You can find the slides for your child's grade level on the Online Portal as well as more information about Fairness.

Virtual Spirit Week
The District PTO/PTA group came up with the idea of having a virtual spirit week next week. Click here to access the flyer. Pictures of your children can be emailed to for possible inclusion in the yearbook. Photos will also be shared on the East Hill Facebook page. The spirit days are as follows:

Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Goofy Outfit Day
Wednesday: Crazy Hair Day
Thursday: Reading Day
Friday: Blue and Gold Day

Please tell your children I miss them so much! I am tired, already, of sitting behind my computer for hours on end. I know my situation is pretty good right now compared to others, though, so I try to keep that in perspective (another P2 strength)!

Here is an article I saw on this morning - 4 Ways to Help Kids Relax as the Coronavirus Upends Everyday Life. Worth a read!

Enjoy the weekend! I will be in touch!

- Lisa