Monday, October 28, 2019


Creativity is the P2 character strength focus for this week. Creativity means you come up with new and original ways to think about and do things. For more information on creativity from the Positivity Project co-founders, click here. Here are two examples of students showing their creativity on crazy hair day from last week:

Guest Author
Speaking of creativity, thank you to the PTA for sponsoring our guest author, Troy Cummings, this year! He is the author and illustrator of several children's book. He gave a great presentation to our whole school last week. He read one of his books to us and also shared some new characters that he has come up with that will be appearing in future books. Third-grader Bobby was absolutely thrilled that he got the honor of introducing him to the school, and first grade artist Tommy got to help Mr. Cummings with one of his drawings. Mr. Cummings was impressed with the welcome he received in our school as well as the creative monster drawings that students had created at home.

Thank you to all of the moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., who have been able to come in and be a guest reader during our two-week reading celebration! It is greatly appreciated by all!

Halloween Reminders
Halloween parties will be held in the classrooms this Thursday at 2:15. Only those parents who have been contacted by the room parent to volunteer in the classroom will be allowed in the building (at 2:00). Please understand that this is for safety's sake so we will be enforcing this rule. Costumes are optional again this year as there will not be a parade. Students should bring their (appropriate) costumes in a bag and not wear them to school. Thank you for your understanding.

Upcoming Dates
11/5     Half-Day, 11:30 Dismissal, Teacher Workshop Day
11/7     District Spelling Bee, CMS, 9:45
11/13   PTA Meeting, East Hill Library, 6:30
11/25 & 11/26     Parent Conferences, Half-Day, 11:30 Dismissal
11/27   Thanksgiving Break Begins!

Enjoy the rest of the week!

- Lisa