Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Connection and Purpose

This week's P2 character strength focus is Connection/Purpose which means that you have beliefs about the meaning of life and your life's purpose. You seek to be part of something greater than yourself. To read more about this strength, click here. Next week we will learn about the last of the 24 character strengths, leadership.

Thank you to our awesome PTA for providing a day of wellness for our staff. As part of staff appreciation week, the PTA arranged for therapists to come in to give massages, Reiki, and EFT therapy. We will also be treated to breakfast tomorrow and lunch on Friday! Thank you so much!

It's so nice that the weather has finally turned and we are able to have recess and PE outside daily. Our youngest students are learning lacrosse and some of them look like naturals already! Luckily, their aim isn't so great yet!
I hope to see you at our Open House and the PTA's BOGO Book Fair this Thursday night. Please remember that shuttle buses will be available from the Applebees side of the high school from 5:45 to 7:05.

- Lisa