School Picture Day was yesterday. If your child was absent, they can have their photo taken on the make up day which is November 10, 2016. We will also have group photos and candids taken that day.
Please remember that there is no school on Monday due to Columbus Day. Other dates to remember this month are as follows:
10/17 PARP (Pick a Reading Partner) Two-Week Reading
Celebration begins
10/18 PTA Meeting, East Hill Library, 6:30
10/19 Book Fair Family Night, 6:00
10/31 Halloween Parade, 2:00 (If there is inclement weather, the
parade will not take place.)
Next week's words of the day are: symbolize (T, 5th), boasting (W, K), complicated (Th, 1st), and surrender (F, 3rd).
Have a great day!
- Lisa