Monday, June 1, 2015

Happy June!

Well, May certainly flew by quickly! We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the month of June. We also ended May with a couple of great events. Two of our classes, Mrs. Devereaux's kindergarten class and Mrs. Greco's third grade class, were able to go to the Special Olympics this year. What a wonderful event! Everyone had a good time. Thank you to the PTA for helping to fund the T-shirts that we all wore.

This past Saturday 5th graders from across the district participated in a Mud Run at East Hill. Ms. O'Keefe came up with the idea and all of the other PE teachers helped to make it happen. Thank you for pulling this off - the kids loved it!

This Thursday at 11:00 we will hold our annual Lemonade Serenade Volunteer Reception followed by our June PTA meeting at 12:00. Don't forget to mark your calendars for our Flag Day Parade which will begin at 12:45 on Friday, June 12th. We are fortunate to have the CMS band with us again this year. 

Our last CODE assembly of the year takes place this afternoon, and our last character education assembly will be held next Monday. The rest of June is filled with Field Days and field trips. It is important that your child(ren) dress appropriately for these fun events.

Please remember that the last two days of school, June 23rd and June 24th, are half-days. Dismissal will be at 11:30. Have a great rest of the week!

- Lisa