What a great weekend we had to celebrate Memorial Day! One
of our 5th graders was a winner of the annual Memorial Day essay
contest sponsored by the Camillus Memorial Day Parade Committee. This year’s theme was A Legacy of Honor. Michael Ciciarelli’s essay was chosen as one of
the winners and he got to read his essay at the parade pavilion at the conclusion
of the parade. Congratulations Michael!
If you went to the parade, you were able to see 35 East Hill
runners participate in the Memorial Day 5K run. Molly O’Keefe, East Hill’s wonderful
physical education teacher, has been running East Hill’s running club for the
past several weeks in preparation of the 5K run. As you can see in the pictures
below, everyone had a great time!
The 4th and 5th grade concert held
last Monday night at the high school was fantastic as was the afternoon
performance held at the school. The afternoon performance was combined with the
monthly character education assembly. May’s character education traits were
kindness and courtesy. Students were taught that in order to be a kind and
courteous audience they needed to listen, stay seated, clap at the end of the
song, save cheering and shouting for athletic events, and tell the performers
what a great job they did at the conclusion of the performance.
The math words for the week are pint (T), quart (W), gallon
(Th), and milliliter (F).
I will be having another procedure on my hip next week so
Heather Silvia, an administrative intern in our district, will be in to help
make sure things run smoothly. I will continue to be just an email away, but
please feel free to contact Ms. Silvia with any questions or concerns.
Have a great rest of the week!
- Lisa