Monday, October 28, 2013

Wellness Week a Hit at East Hill!

Wellness Week was a big hit at East Hill last week. The majority of the students dressed in the selected color of the day to represent different healthy fruits and vegetables. Most of our students earned a plastic toe token for walking five miles during recess over the course of the week. Several students also brought in pictures of colored fruits and vegetables that Miss O’Keefe displayed on a rainbow collage (see below.)

Students participated in DRAE every day – Drop Everything And Exercise! Students took this very seriously as you can see by the pictures of Mrs. Augello's and Mrs. Devereaux’s kindergarten students. They had such a great time!
Mrs. Augello's Class Dropping Everything and Exercising
Mrs. Devereaux's Class
You should have received a letter from me about our upcoming Halloween Parade and parties. Our parade will begin at 2:00 Thursday. If the weather allows, we will parade around the front circle a couple of times. Please do not park on the front circle on Thursday. Please remember to send your child’s costume (elementary-appropriate costume of course) in a bag, versus having them wear it to school. Only those parents who are designated as room helpers will be permitted in the classrooms during the parties. Helpers should sign in at the main office. All treats should contain a label so that they can be checked as we have many students with food allergies. Following these guidelines will help us to make the day a safe and enjoyable one for all of the students.

I’m happy to report that the momentum is still strong for our math words of the day. Students can’t wait to tell me the word when I walk in their classroom or see them in the hallways. The words for this week are fact family (M), standard form (T), expanded form (W), word form (Th), and estimate (F). Please encourage your child to talk to you about these words and tell you what they mean.

We have decided to move our math night that was tentatively scheduled for November 5th to Thursday, December 5th. More information will be sent out to you about this night. We will be asking you to RSVP so that we can get an idea of roughly how many people will be coming. This night will be for parents only. K-2 parents will come from 6:00 – 7:00 and 3-5 parents will come from 6:30 – 7:30. Again, more information will be sent out soon.

Please remember to mark your calendars for the November 4th PTA meeting. Dr. Brown will be here to discuss the upcoming capital project which means a lot of important and needed changes for East Hill as well as for the rest of the district. The meeting begins at 6:30 in the East Hill library.

In my next blog I will inform you about the exciting changes that are happening to our parking lot that are sure to make arrival and dismissal much more safe for all of us.

Have a great week and a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

- Lisa