Friday, May 29, 2020

East Hill Happenings

Distance Learning
Next week begins our 11th week of distance learning. It still seems surreal at times, doesn't it? Hopefully everyone is making the best of the current situation. We have two full weeks, plus one day, of instruction left. Don't forget to check out the distance learning portal on the website and have your child(ren) complete the weekly PE exit ticket. Thanks!
Chess Tournament
If your child plays chess, please consider having them participate in the West Genesee Chess Club online tournament which will be held on June 10th. Here is a link to the WG Chess Website. There is a page on the website that needs to be filled out to register for the tournament. Thank you to Mr. Mercado at Stonehedge Elementary for extending the invitation to East Hill!
Third Graders!
Did you know that in fourth grade you can learn how to play an instrument? Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. Mercer will be joining one of your Zoom meetings next week to tell you all about it!
Retrieval of Student Belongings
As a reminder, here is next week's schedule for picking up student belongings. Please adhere to the safety protocols in the letter (wear a mask, maintain a 6 ft. distance between others, no additional children or adults, etc.). Please remember to pick up medication in the main office if necessary, visit the Lost and Found (which will hopefully be outside, weather permitting), and follow the one-way traffic flow. Some fourth and fifth graders also need to get their clothes from their gym locker. Again, if you are unable to come at your assigned time, please contact me and we will arrange for an alternate pick up time (

June 1st
June 2nd
June 3rd
June 4th
June 5th
Di - Dw
Jes - Ke
Pe - Pu
Wor - Z
Ea - Ew
Ki - Kle
Q - Re
Kli - Lu
Ri - Ry
Ga - Go
Ly - Mac
Sa - Sc
Bu - Car
Gr - Gu
Mad - Mc
Se - Sm
Cas - Col
Ha - He
Me - Min
Sp - Sw
Con - Cu
Hi - Ho
Mit - Ne
Ta - Tu
Da - De
Hu - Jen
O - Pa
Ve - Woo

Fifth Grade Recognition
All fifth graders were assigned a slide to complete for the 5th Grade Recognition Slide Show. Please remind your child to complete his/her slide by June 1st if they have not already done so. Next week you will receive an invitation for the 5th Grade Drive-Thru Recognition Ceremony. Please note that the date has now been finalized and will be on Monday, June 15th, beginning at 9:30. We will keep Tuesday, June 16th as a rain date. You will find more information in the invitation. Thank you to the PTA for purchasing and delivering these awesome lawn signs!
That's all for now! I hope everyone is well. Have a great weekend!

- Lisa

Friday, May 22, 2020

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
It looks like it's shaping up to be a nice weekend for all of us! I hope everyone is able to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. As today is now an instructional day, please have your children utilize this time to catch up on past work, and/or try some of the activities on the portal. Please remind them to complete this week's PE exit ticket as well!
Retrieval of Student Belongings
You should have received a letter in the mail this week that outlines the plan for the retrieval of student belongings. We will be strictly following the safety protocols noted in the letter as well as the times that are posted for pick-up. As indicated in the letter, if you are unable to come at your assigned time, please contact me and I will give you an alternate time. Here is the letter if you did not yet receive it. When you come, please don't forget to bring in library books, pick up medication from the nurse if necessary, drop off instruments (those needing repair only) and stop by the Lost and Found.

5th Grade Recognition
Our fifth grade families also received a letter that indicates our plan for how we will be recognizing our fifth graders. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we are planning a drive-by ceremony on June 16th where the fifth graders will receive their certificates from their teachers as well as a t-shirt and treat from the PTA. The ceremony will start with Miss Button's class at 9:30, followed by Mrs. McDonald's class at 10:00 and Mr. Meaney's class at 10:30. It will hopefully be a special moment for our fifth graders. As a reminder, there will not be building access on this day. Fifth graders were also assigned a slide from Mrs. MacArthur that is due by 6/1.

Kindergarten Screening
If you are a parent of an incoming kindergartener, you will be receiving a letter shortly letting you know that the screening that was scheduled for the end of June has been postponed. We have tentatively rescheduled it to the week of August 24th.
Summer Opportunity
We received this flier for an online summer literacy tutoring program offered by SUNY Cortland for students entering grades 2-12. Tutors are certified teachers who are working on a master's degree in literacy. You can register your child using this link. Space is limited.
Pictures from Home
I've stolen several pictures from Facebook this week showing many activities that students are participating in while at home. I love seeing everyone so busy and productive!
Colin's Hand Art
Ava's Hand Art

Owen on the Treadmill

Dominick on the Court

Olivia in the Tree

Jolene Jump Roping the Morning Mile

Josh and Joey on the Morning Mile
Sadie Trampolining the Morning Mile

Cooper Paddleboarding for PE

Anna and Mary doing Math

Emery and Kaitlyn Social Distancing!

Enjoy the weekend!

- Lisa

Friday, May 15, 2020

Wildcat Wellness Day

Today is Wildcat Wellness Day!
I hope you have been able to participate in some of the Virtual Wellness Week activities provided by the West Genesee Mental Health Team this week. Today is Wildcat Wellness Day! Students are encouraged to take a break from academics, and a break from the screen, and try a few of the activities on this Well-being Board. I'm going to try a few myself!! If you don't find something on the board to your liking, perhaps you can learn the Peanut Butter Jelly Time dance shown here by some of the East Hill Staff!
Digital Public Library Card
The public libraries are currently working on a curb-side pickup system for library books, scheduled to be available toward the end of May. Sharon Bush, the Camillus Middle School librarian, has put together a presentation on how students can get their own digital library card for the public libraries. Check it out! It is so important for students to read, especially over the summer!
Student Belongings
We are currently working on a plan that will allow students to retrieve their personal belongings from school. We are looking at the first week of June, however the dates are not yet finalized. You should receive a letter in the mail next week that outlines the safety protocols to which we will be adhering to along with the dates and times that you will be allowed to enter the building. Safety is our top priority so please make sure you follow the guidelines that are provided in the letter.
Distance Learning
Because we are scheduled to have next Friday off for the Memorial Day weekend, and then we have the following Monday off for Memorial Day, students will only receive four days of instruction for the next two weeks. Don't forget to go to the West Genesee Online Learning Portal to access PE, library, P2 and counseling activities, as well as enrichment activities for both music and art. Also, please don't forget to have your child complete the weekly PE Exit Ticket.
Understanding the Coronavirus
Are your children struggling with understanding this virus? I honestly think we all are, but I came across this illustrated book, Coronavirus: A Book for Children, that does a nice job explaining the virus to elementary children.
Thank You PTA!
Thank you to the PTA for my beautiful hanging basket and for everything you did to recognize our staff during Staff Appreciation Week! We definitely all felt appreciated!
Art at Home
I love seeing all of the amazing things being done by our students while at home. Here are just a few I found on Facebook this week.
Alex's Hand Project

Nino's Hands

Will and Dan's Tic Tac Toe
Sadie's Flower
Emily's Tie Dye

Nick and Jenna (by Jenna)

Julia's Butterfly

Madison's Nature Project

Olivia and Maddy's Nature Art
Have a great weekend!

- Lisa

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mental Health Awareness Month!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
According to the World Health Organization, mental health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. It is SO important that we are taking care of ourselves and taking care of each other now and always. Please make sure everyone in your household is getting enough sleep, getting outside, making connections with friends, and getting the proper nutrition. Here is a Wellness BINGO board from the Mental Health Association of NYS that your family members can play to help make sure everyone stays healthy. Coloring is also a great, calming activity. Here are couple of coloring sheets from the same organization: hot air balloons and lions. (They are pretty intricate so you'd need colored pencils or thin markers.)
Virtual Wellness Week
Speaking of wellness, it's time to celebrate! We are celebrating our perseverance for making it this far in the COVID-19 "Pause". Let’s honor all we have accomplished and have overcome to get this far, being “Stronger Together” as Wildcats. The West Genesee Mental Health Team wants us to come together as a school community as we take some time to focus on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here is a link to West Genesee's Virtual Wellness Week. Here is a link to Friday's choice board that is referenced in the first link. I would love it if you would email me some pictures of your children participating in these wellness activities to include in this blog next week!

Character Strengths Slideshow Presentation
A huge shout-out to Jennifer MacArthur for this slideshow presentation that showcases how the East Hill Staff are using their top character strengths at home. Click the "Present" button on the top right when you open up the presentation. Thank you to the East Hill staff for submitting your slides!
Education Fair
Thank you for sending in your completed Education Fair projects. They are excellent! Please keep sending them in so I can share them here on this blog!
Audrey and Maddie

Edy and Ava

Olivia and Kylie
Have a nice weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there!
- Lisa

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

East Hill's 5th Grade Virtual Talent Show

A Message from Mrs. Craig
Here's a brief message from Mrs. Craig about the closing of school and the talent show.

Virtual Talent Show
Thank you to the brave fifth graders who took the time to submit a video for the Virtual Talent Show! Thank you to Mrs. Mercer and Mrs. McConnell as well! Here is the link to view the show! Here are some of the students that you will see in the show!

I hope you enjoyed the show! I will send out my regular, weekly blog this Friday.

Stay tuned!

- Lisa